I'm here to help YOU achieve your goals and get that body you always wanted! Let's get started!

Who I am?

Hi, my name is Sam. I'm a former fat guy turned fit and I love helping people achieve their fitness goals. My goal on Fiverr is to help you achieve YOUR fitness goals. Muscle gain? Fat loss? Confused about nutrition? I'm here to help you.

Looking for a meal plan or home workout? I can do that too!

At the end of the program, you will be even stronger and healthier than when you began.

I will work with you to….

  • Create a customized workout plan
  • Make recommendations with meals and nutrition
  • Build the best exercises and workout program for muscle gain
  • Help you with weight-loss and keep it off for life

Looking for something more? If you’re looking for specific information (improving posture, lifts, exercise technique, nutrition etc), fitness writing content, workouts for your own clients (white label), or assistance in personal training, feel free to message me and we can work together for a solution.